Central Valley Regional Vice Chairman
Joseph Day is running for Central Valley Regional Vice Chairman. Why? Because after serving 10 years as a Central Committee Chairman in two different counties, he knows what County Committees need, and can support Chairmen with practical advice and ensure they get the best support from the state party that is available. After being elected twice as a director of a water district, Joseph has experience running for office and winning.

County Central Committees have a unique role. No other part of the Republican Party has the same opportunity to recruit and support Republicans running for local office. After serving in lower office, our elected Republicans have experience to run for higher office. We must build the bench to win back the State.
Our job is to elect Republicans.

Central Committees can focus on turning out the Republican vote. If we do our job well, Republican candidates can devote more resources to winning independent and crossover votes. We need modern tools to do our job effectively. It will be my job to bring the best resources the CAGOP has to each county party.
Central Committees have a great many similarities. They need to solve the same problems, but their access to resources is very different depending on the population of Republicans in the county.

There are many ways to help Central Committees. Some are big, and some are small. Perhaps the most important is to be available as a resource and a conduit of information to facilitate communication between the counties and the state party. The more we network, the more we learn and the more we can help each other.